
Creating Space image

In this tutorial we’re gointg to learn how to create a space image from scrath.

Let’s start by creating a new Image. In this case I chose 1024 x 768 because I’m using this as a wallpaper. You can choose the size that you want.

Double click on the background layer to make it a normal layer.

Now go to Filter / Noise / Add Noise and set these values:

Amount: 16,02; Check “Gaussian” and “monochromatic”.

Now go to Image / Adjustments / Levels o just hit Ctrl + L to distribute these stars a little more:

Next, to get the stars finished go to Filter / Distort / Pinch and change the level to 100% like you see in the image below:

We’ll get somethign like this:

Now that we created some stars let’s add some clouds to the scene. Create a new layer, check that the foreground color is black and the background color is white and go to Filter / Render / Clouds. Set the blend mode to screen for the clouds layer, like this:

Next, let’s adjust the levels of these clouds. To make them less white. Once again go to Image / Adjustments / Levels or hit Ctrl + L. Set these values:

Them, we’re going to add some color to these clouds. Go to Image / Adjustments / Color Balance with these settings:

We should have something like this by now:

Now we want some more white on the clouds (yeah, I know first we decrease the white parts, and then we increase them. Well sometimes you need to do things like that to create the right effect).

Create a new layer and paint it white and set the blend mode to overlay:

Here’s the result:

We need some more clouds, right? Duplicate the clouds layer and place it on top of the white layer. Flip this duplicated layer horizontaly (Edit / Transform / Flip horizontal) ans Scale it a little bit (Edit / Transform / scale).

To change the color of this duplicated layer let’s go to Image /Adjustments / Hue-Saturation, use these settings:

Then we add some gaussian Blur to these clouds. Go to Filter / blur / Gaussian Blur and change the value to 2,7, like you’ll see on the image below.

Well That would be it but we can give it a little more life so, download this set of brushes. Click here. This is a set of star brushes.

Grab the brush tool.

Now, open the brush panel (the one where you can choose the brush to use) and click on the circle with an arrow on the upper right corner.  There choose load brushes:

It will ask you to select the brush you want to use. Go to the folder where you’ve saved the stars brushes (of course you’ve should unzipped that file by now, so it’ll work). Select the star brushes:

Now create a new layer and use white as foreground color. That would be the layer that contain all the stars, so name it stars or something like that:

*I’m sorry all my images have text in spanish but I also have a blog for tutorials in spanish. Some images come from there.

Now choose one of the brushes from the star brushes set, you have a lot so you can try all:

Spread the stars over you image and when you think is enough, you’re done! If you paint some stars and you don’t like the result just hit the magic combination of CTRL + Z and do it again. My god I love Ctrl+Z so much. You should end up with something similar to this:

Click on the image to enlarge.

And that’s it. You can download the PSD file.

If you want to be up-to-date with new tutorials coming out you can follow me on twitter @violettuts or just check the facebook fan page.

Hope you liked it. See ya.


1 Response to “Creating Space image”

  1. March 24, 2010 at 12:05 pm

    This is really cool… I was trying out lots of different ways to get the cosmic background. You have given the shortest and the coolest way possible 😀

    Thanks a lot

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